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Reference Information

AWS CDK Versioning

Reference Information

This topic provides reference information on how the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) handles versioning. Version numbers consist of three numeric components: major, minor, and patch. The major version number indicates significant changes to the AWS CDK API. The minor version number indicates new features or changes to existing features. The patch version number indicates bug fixes or other minor changes.

CLI Incompatibility

If you receive the following error message, you need to upgrade the AWS CDK Toolkit (the CLI command cdk) to the latest version:

This CDK CLI is not compatible with the CDK library used by your application. Please upgrade the CLI to the latest version.

CLI Command Reference

This section contains command reference information for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) Command Line Interface (CLI).


The AWS CDK provides a consistent and idiomatic way to define and provision your AWS infrastructure. The versioning scheme helps to ensure that you are always using the latest and most up-to-date version of the AWS CDK. By following the recommendations in this topic, you can avoid compatibility issues and ensure that your applications are always running on the latest version of the AWS CDK.
